Welcome to Book of Coordination
Welcome to Book of Coordination , blog dedicated to Lost Ark MMORPG information and guides. Book of Coordination in Lost Ark is mainly used for PvP and endgame contents such as challenge raids and hell difficulty commander raids and those will be ultimate focus to the blog. However, in the beginning of the Lost Ark's release in NA where such contents are not available, I intend to cover broader subjects such as individual class skill tree , collection guide , and leveling guides to help adventurers to reach endgame specs. Guide will come soon, but in Korean server images first; As I do not have access to NA images due to NDA from Closed Technical Alpha. Then over time, I will replace images with NA server over time once it is released. Content will be in written words first, and in near future, then in video as well. Hope you are as excited about the game as I am. I also hope my blog will be a great use to you adventurer! If you are curious abou...